Remote Animal Session
When you book a session, you send me a picture of your living or transitioned animal.
When it’s time for our session, I call you for a brief conversation about what concerns you have, what answers you would like, and what you want to tell your living or transitioned animal.
Then, we hang up, and I invite your animal “in” to speak with me. Both living and transitioned animals have the right to say no, or not today - and if that happens, we will discuss next steps.
Most of the time, though, your animal will be excited to communicate with you. If your animal is living, I channel them and do a body-scan, and then offer them energetic healing. For both living and transitioned animals, I then speak with your animal telepathically. .
Finally, I’ll call you afterwards, and relay the entire conversation to you. during our session. If there is still time, you may also ask follow-up questions. You will also receive a written transcription of my conversation with. your animal.
On-site Animal Session
*15 minutes travel time, one way, from my home.
I will talk with you briefly to find out what questions you have for your animal.
Then, your animal and I will spend quiet time together outside, so that I can ask your questions. I will also do a channeled body-scan, and offer energetic healing to your animal at this time.
Afterwards, you will rejoin us for a debrief, and follow-up questions, if time.
On-site Animal Session
*30 minutes travel time, one way, from my home.
I will talk with you briefly to find out what questions you have for your animal.
Then, your animal and I will spend quiet time together outside, so that I can offer a healing session and ask your questions. I will also do a channeled body-scan and offer energetic healing at this time.
Afterwards, you will rejoin us for a debrief, and follow-up questions, if time.